Eighteen courses from Unity's Correspondence School. 

God is the Source...both gift and the giver of the gift.

We draw, manifest and experience prosperity in line with our consciousness. 

This program is about developing and enhancing your prosperity consciousness. 

Imagine starting each day with a sense of calm, confidence, and purpose, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

What if you could tap into the energy of positivity and abundance simply by changing the way you think and speak to yourself.

Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner

The History of New Thought & Unity explores the origin and development of the ideas, beliefs and

practices that characterize the New Thought movement. Particular attention is placed on the history and

development of Unity.

Skill Level: Beginner

A.   Course Description
Practicing the Silence (meditating) is fundamental to Unity teachings and essential to our spiritual development.  As we move through this course, we will explore what meditation is and what it is not; we will utilize different practices as part of our class experience; we will examine both the benefits of regular practice and the challenges or resistance that can come up; and we gain an understanding of how to develop a personal meditation practice. 

B.    Course Presentation
During this week of class we will experience a variety of meditation techniques.  Each student will be encouraged to journal in class and afterward about his/her experience.  As we explore the techniques in class and in discussion, each student will create a personal meditation program to practice for one month.  Students taking the class for credit will write a paper describing the one month experience.
C.     Course Objectives
Students will be able to:
• Define meditation
• Experience and describe different meditation techniques
• Identify benefits of regular meditation
• Describe techniques to address resistance to meditation
D.     Course Materials: Required
Bodian, Stephan.  Meditation for Dummies: The CD Edition. Wiley Publishing.  Indianapolis, 2006
Optional Materials:
• A journal to record your thoughts (for students’ private use).
E.     Course Requirements and Assignments
As a learner, this course will require from you:
1.    Attend and participate in all class activities
2.    Read the assigned reading prior to class
3.    Keep a personal journal reflecting on your meditation experience.  This is essential for your examination of your meditation practice even though you will not turn your journal in. 
4.    Maintain a meditation practice for one month following the end of the course.    
5.     FOR SEE CREDIT: Design a meditation program for one month and include at least one ½ day (6 hours) individual retreat (or participate in a formal group retreat) in your plan.  Practice your plan for one month and maintain your journaling.  At the end of the month, write a 2-4 page paper on the experience of practicing your personally designed meditation program.  Include any resistance that came up and how you dealt with it; any insights that came out of your journaling; the impact the program had on your life and how you see meditation as a part of your ongoing spiritual practice.
Papers may be emailed to the Instructor or mailed to: 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065  Attn:  SEE, Rev. Joy Wyler

Skill Level: Beginner